The easiest way to find out about
AB STEAM is to sign up for our newsletter.
We need parent and student volunteers to help run our events. Sign up to receive our event announcements or to volunteer.
Ways to get involved
Take part in an AB STEAM event
Help coordinate an event or activity
Suggest a new STEM or STEAM event
Work with younger students (Market Math or Family Math Games)
Parents: Serve on the steering committee
Parents: Be an AB STEAM representative (Elementary, Jr. or Sr. High)
Parents: Write a grant or help raise funds
Parents: Host a job shadow or be a career speaker
Students: Pursue your interests in math, biology, astronomy, ecology, conservation, engineering and science
Students: Hone your leadership skills
Students: Learn about STEM jobs at DiscoverSTEM
Students: Earn volunteer service credit
Check our calendar to find out about meetings..
Community Service: Accept the Challenge
Accept the Challenge is the name of the community service program at Acton-Boxborough Regional High School. ABRHS Student can get credit toward community service hours by volunteering at AB STEAM events. Make volunteering part of your life. Find out more about Accept the Challenge, how to track volunteer hours, and where to fill out the online reporting form at the ABRHS Accept the Challenge site.