Our Mission: To Make
STEAM fun by . . .
Providing family-oriented math, science and art activities and events
Collaborating with parents, students, schools, community leaders and business partners
Promoting resources that enrich Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) education in our community.
2024-2025 Steering Committee
Chair: Susri Anuradha
VP: Dawn Peterson
Founder + Coach: KJ Herther
Communications Secretary: Aasma Gilani
Treasurer: Megha Patil
Webmaster: Janice M Ward
Student Leaders: Email to learn more. Talk to us!
Our Story
This year, AB PIP STEM became AB STEAM, a non-profit organization with an expanded mission to include Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math.
We are pleased to announce that we are now an official 501 (c) 3 organization.
In 2024, we transitioned from AB PIP STEM (actonpip.org) to AB STEAM (absteam.org), became a non-profit organization and expanded our mission to include Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math.
Since 2001, AB PIP STEM has hosted and sponsored FREE Science, Technology, Engineering and Math educational events for grades K through 12. We are now on the lookout for STEAM events from students and parents. Contact us at actonpip@gmail.com.
In addition to these events, we sponsor one-time activities, yearly fundraisers, and annual scholarships for AB student volunteers. Below are the highlights.